Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Birthday Work Party May 10th

A BIG Thank you for all who helped out! I couldn't have done it without you!!!: Sara, Joe, Bill, George, Chris, Lorraine, Joanne & Jim

Here's Jim moving the "Ark" to the new sheep paddock. There were some tight turns, but Jim did a great job with Bill on the ground aiding.

Here's a photo of Bill hooking up the "Ark" for moving. I hope to get a photo of the tree that Bill cut down too, apparently that was quite a show (I missed that one!).

Here are the sheep/goats and Hogan all safe and happy in their new paddock with their shelter aka the "Ark".

Joe was the strong man all day on Saturday, hauling all the heavy stuff with a smile all the while.

Sara was busy with fencing, she'll do anything for the horses!

Not many people can say that they have an Electrical Engineer do their electric fencing business, but we do! Thanks George - you are the expert!

Lorraine takes a minute to enjoy the view of the horses at play. She spent the morning cleaning up the yard and stacking wood for fire... the afternoon was spent fencing.

Joanne and her faithful sidekick Piper (the Weim) assisted with the electrical work.

And where was Drummond during all this heavy load of work?...dealing with his own piles of work at RMC on course. We miss you Drumm!!! Can't wait for you to see all the changes at home when you get back in July!

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