Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Laddie moves to the farm & Dan returns!

After much anticipation and lots of farm work to ready a new paddock, Heza Lady's Lad (Laddie) has moved home. He was boarded at Fairlee Farm in Toledo ON for several years and was pastured these last months with our belgian Dan who was on loan to the friends who own Fairlee (Joan & Dewey). At least Laddie got to move to his home with a good pal who knew the place and the herd!

Dan came off the trailor first, and seemed pleasantly surprised to be home. Laddie looked around at his new place (I wonder what he thought?) and followed his buddy Dan into their paddock.

As per usual, Dan was more interested in the good green clover then he was in being reunited with the old herd and his team mate Colleen. Laddie gawked a bit at the racing fillies along the dividing fenceline, and soon joined Dan with grazing.

After 24 hrs of Dan and Laddie being together in an adjacent paddock, I decided it would be best for Dan to be moved into the large paddock with his belgian mate Colleen, who was beside her self for being so close to Dan yet still seperated (thank god we put that electric wire across the top of the new fence!). On day 2, I moved Dan into his old paddock with Colleen, Penny, Rory, Tyree & Willow. Dan & his girls. Laddie was not stressed, as he was in the barn being pampered.

Dan did not seem pleased to see Colleen, even pinning his ears and threatening as she came close. It wasn't long before Dan struck off to the lower field with Penny, who happens to be in heat, infatuated with the chestnut mare. Perhaps Dan & Colleen will reconcile once Penny is out of season.

The wise 29 yr old Power (resident boss) was moved into the paddock with Laddie. This, in my humble opinion, would accomplish 2 things: Power would be able to put Laddie in his place before Laddie got too comfortable with his new digs and more likely to fight for dominance & it would be easier for me to grain the two old guys their special rations. The two patriarchs met and they put on a bit of a show. Power raced around with his ears pinned and teeth clenched, while Laddie whipped along kicking from behind. It took all of one minute and Power established dominance, but Laddie was content to eat! I don't think that Laddie was too scared, as within 5 minutes of Power 'establishing dominance' Laddie got down and rolled and let Power come over to smell of him!

Power demonstrated his once flashy moves, as he moved around in a lovely extended trot - if his ears had been forward it would have been a gorgeous shot of the old man!

Power & Laddie dance around in circles at a trot, both handsome geldings with coats shinning looked wonderful for their old ages.

Power pushes a little too far, and Laddie gives him a warning - Back Off!

Laddie happily eating some first cut hay - no longer concerned with Power's antics.

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