Friday, November 7, 2008

The Team gets to Work

Drummond with Dan & Colleen on the stoneboat.

With lovely unusually warm late fall weather, we have had lots of opportunity to drive and work the team. Dan and Colleen really enjoy getting hitched and stand at the gate waiting when they hear the clinking of their harnesses being brought out.

Both horses are admittingly overweight, but moving hay and bringing in the wood regularly through the winter months will help to get them looking a little leaner. Despite Dan's size (out of shape) he has the best work ethic that I have ever seen for horse. He may be sweating and getting tired but that does not stop him from laying into the collar and giving 110% all the time. Of course we can't push him too hard and always conservatively stop the work before he is exhausted and give him a good cool down. Colleen is usually our best litmus as when the team is getting tired... she doesn't quite have Dan's work ethic!
Here are some recent shots of the team at work:
Neighbour Kenneth Fraser (no relation) takes the reins on the stoneboat; a Belgian teamster himself, we think that he enjoyed the afternoon working with our horses.
Amanda (six months pregnant) brings in the team on the manure spreader.
Drummond on the forecart with Colleen & Dan.

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