Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Welcome 2008!

As many of you know, the first few months have been very challenging ones for the Holt & Fraser clans. We are pleased to say though that those family members who had been 'under the knife' or in accidents, are all well and recovering to top form!

Drummond is busy on course until July. He will be home studying until mid-April, but he is literally tied to the home office desk from 06h00-22h00 daily. It is a nice break for him to join us at the barn, or take time to watch a movie.

Hunter (my wonderful brother-in-law) is home from his UN post for a short time longer. We expect that he will be leaving to Burundi in the coming week. He has been so helpful with the farm chores these last weeks, literally taking on the lion's share of the work happily. Of course, he has started to head-butt me regularly claiming that spending too much time with the sheep is wearing off on him! hahaha

Our ram Aslan is heading to a new home this weekend, for the breeding season. We are pleased that this lovely ram will have an 'active' spring and a good home. He technically belongs to Ewenique farm near Vankleek Hill and we were pleased to have him overwinter with us (he is the sire of one of our wethers Ethan and our ram Charlie).

Jim & Joanne, Drumm & I all enjoyed the Canadian Organic Grower's conference Gala two weeks ago were farmer-educator-activist Joel Salatin was key note speaker. Like Salatin's PolyfaceFarm, our farm is BEYOND ORGANIC!!! Help us if "everything that we want to do is illegal"!!!!

Photos are forthcoming. We have lots of great snow pictures of the dogs, sheep, goats, horses, cats and steers at play!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm not "in the know" about what's been going on in your life, but I'm glad to see you back to blogging and am looking forward to new photos!