Friday, August 22, 2008

Dan & Colleen get hitched to the Stoneboat

After spending over 1 yr gaining Colleen's trust (when we bought the team she arrived with a broken neck from either ill-fitting tack, an accident or abuse), the formerly aggressive and scared mare was ready to be hitched to her teammate.

Good neighbour & friend Yves, an excellent and quiet mannered teamster, came to help. Dan was his natural laid back self and Colleen was on good behaviour. Tacked-up and ready to go we hitched them to the stoneboat with Yves on the lines. After a few moments of quiet walking from the back field into the front pasture, Drummond took over the lines.

I have not seen Drummond smile so hard since our wedding day. In fact, I think that he was even happier (the justification is that he waited longer to drive his team than to get wed to me!).

Thank you Yves! You helped built our confidence to hitch this 'crazy' mare - she was so happy and quiet (she trusts us now!) that I'm sure that they will be hitched whenever the weather permits.
Here are some photos of last night's training session:

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